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3D Printing Filament Drying Service

Have you ever bought many filaments at one time? and not much used? 


The correct storage of 3D printing filament is CRUCIAL to maintain the quality and printability of the materials over time. Almost all kinds of 3D Printing filament can absorb the water from the air and end up wet sooner or later. And if you end up with wet filament Drying them is important. 

We are here to help: 

Filament drying box_edited.jpg
Filament Drying RF40/-

6hrs in the dryer.

Filament Drying
Vacum pack in reusable bag

Vacum bag can be used next time for dry packing.

For more information check out:

Filament Storage and Drying.jpg

Suyi Zhong

  • August 31, 2022 07:45

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